Erotic Romance.
Do those words just put you in the mood?
To read, of course!
Latest Book in the Series, Caliente Connections: A Miami Erotic Romance Series
Need more? Check out the page for Playful at the Park!
Why Erotic Romance?
Exploring fantasies within the safe zone of fiction not only allows you the freedom to get to know yourself, it also gives you space to heal from the often shameful messages in your environment.
~Lizi D’Avila
Hi, I’m Lizi D’Avila. Yes, that’s a pen name because I’m publishing pseudonymously for now. I’m sure, as you browse this site and connect with me on other channels, you’ll begin to understand why. In the meantime, welcome!
I hope you enjoy your time here!
If you read any of my stories in Caliente Connections, go ahead a drop a review for them on Amazon.
You can always change your display name on your profile if you want to be able to review Erotic Romance or Erotica to your heart’s content without, you know, shocking your relatives or coworkers. 😉
I’m also on goodreads so feel free to connect with me there, too!
Stay Up to Date
Caliente Connections is being published exclusively on Amazon for now. The great news is that it’s available on Kindle Unlimited, and … I’m planning on releasing one new story every week throughout 2021.
Ambitious? Yes.
Doable? Absolutely!
I have ideas for other things to share, too …
Keep connected with me to stay up to date on what I’m writing, posting, and publishing!