The Latest Release

The Latest Release in Caliente Connections
I’ll be featuring each new release here as a sticky post on the blog. I’ll edit this same post each week so you don’t have to go far to get a preview of the latest release in Caliente Connections: A Miami Erotic Romance Series.
Please, go ahead and enjoy the preview!
Then make sure you follow the link to buy or borrow it on Kindle Unlimited! Of course, you can share it right from this post to let anyone else in on your new find. And remember to visit the Blog every week to get a preview for each new story! You can also check out the whole series on Amazon, too.
And, don’t worry! They’re short stories so they’re quick reads … and there’s plenty more on the way! Each one is a stand alone story, too, so you can pick up right here and then read any others that strike your fancy. The only “timing” factors might be for the holiday stories, but you’ll be able to tell that from the covers and titles. Promise!
Let me know if you enjoy this preview option. I think it’s handy, of course. Although, I’m still using novelist to feature the entire series on the Caliente Connections page. What do you think? Should I use these previews on the series page instead of the novelist plugin or keep doing what I’m doing?