Tag: erotic romance

Update Third Week of February 2021

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Update Third Week of February 2021
Hello, readers! I’m so glad you’ve stopped by!
I just wanted to give you a little update of what’s going on with me this week. But, first, let me thank everyone for a great week last week!

Those of you who follow me on IG and Twitter, thanks for the love and feedback! Those of you who’ve been reading Brazen at the Boat Show this week, you are gems! I adore you! And, those of you who are lurking around my blog? I haven’t forgotten about you, either … so keep reading!

Now on to this Week

Update – third week of February 2021:

First … this week, I’ve integrated with WP and Jetpack so now you can follow me via your site and/or the newsletter! The contact page is always there, of course, but I’ve added like and share buttons, too. Also, I’m working on comments and related content sections but let’s be patient with all that please. 🙂

Second, I am hard at work on the next release in Caliente Connections, Wanton at the Wine Festival. Yaaasss. These two have been driving me crazy the past week! Alejandra and Ricardo have a troubled history. Running into each other at the wine festival on South Beach has them both acting strange. You’d think it was the wine … but it may turn out to be much more. 😉

Finally, I’ll be posting another Frisky Fridays Flash Fiction on IG this Friday, too. I guess this one will be a short one, partly because the last couple have been long and also because book 9 is keeping me very busy.

As usual, I’ll be scrolling through social media so follow me and I’ll follow back. I do my best to read, like, and comment, of course, and appreciate everyone who does the same!

A Lover, Fading

A Lover, Fading flash fiction

A Lover, Fading—Maybe it’s because it’s Valentine’s Day weekend but I’m in a maudlin mood. I suppose I should apologize to Erato. I promise I’ll get to work on more uplifting flash fiction for next time!
Not everyone you’ve known will stay with you—in your heart, in your mind—but the one’s you’ve loved will. If it was real, part of it becomes a part of you; embedded in your story. Even if it wasn’t real for them ….

Did you hear that? The sound of my heart breaking again?

Does anyone else feel this way? Do you still think about a lover who’s not around … even when you could be thinking about anybody else? Ah, the temptations of a forbidden pleasure! 😉

A Lover … No!
Let’s Connect Instead!

Share your thoughts with me via the Contact Page. Or, go ahead and follow me on IG where I post these first. Let’s chat! Or, you know, commiserate. And, in the meantime, you can always check out my latest steamy story, Brazen at the Boat Show.
It’s a bit longer than the others … and also pushing the boundaries of Erotic Romance into Erotica. At least, I think it is. Let me know what you think!

The Latest Release

Latest Release featured image

The Latest Release in Caliente Connections

I’ll be featuring each new release here as a sticky post on the blog. I’ll edit this same post each week so you don’t have to go far to get a preview of the latest release in Caliente Connections: A Miami Erotic Romance Series.

Please, go ahead and enjoy the preview!
Then make sure you follow the link to buy or borrow it on Kindle Unlimited! Of course, you can share it right from this post to let anyone else in on your new find. And remember to visit the Blog every week to get a preview for each new story! You can also check out the whole series on Amazon, too.

And, don’t worry! They’re short stories so they’re quick reads … and there’s plenty more on the way! Each one is a stand alone story, too, so you can pick up right here and then read any others that strike your fancy. The only “timing” factors might be for the holiday stories, but you’ll be able to tell that from the covers and titles. Promise!

Let me know if you enjoy this preview option. I think it’s handy, of course. Although, I’m still using novelist to feature the entire series on the Caliente Connections page. What do you think? Should I use these previews on the series page instead of the novelist plugin or keep doing what I’m doing?

Crazed at the Casino

new release

Book 7 is Live!

Crazed at the Casino, Book 7 in Caliente Connections: A Miami Erotic Romance Series, is available for purchase on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited! You can also check it out on goodreads. <3

Each story is focused not just on one couple, but also gives a peek into life in Miami. Yes, of course, they’re fictional accounts. But—within the limits of short fiction—I add some tidbits about the city. At least, the city as I’ve experienced it throughout my life.

Crazed at the Casino

Quick Blurb

Crazed at the Casino follows Aymee, a new attorney who’s living in Little Havana while she gets her career up and running. Desperate for a night out, she calls up her favorite party girl, Maggie. When she finds out they’re headed to the local casino, she pushes her skepticism aside in the hopes of finally having a good time. Then, she spots Julio … and things quickly get caliente.

Final Thoughts

This couple really did surprise me. Their story did not work out at all the way I had originally envisioned it. Every time I wrote a scene out, I had to go back and rewrite it because one of them wasn’t happy with the role they had to play. Like actors—very stubborn actors.

And, if you had told me the twist the story would take before I’d written it? I promise you, I wouldn’t have believed it of Aymee … or Julio. But that’s what makes this genre so exciting for me to write! You can’t always judge a book by its cover, nor a person by their surface personality alone.


Enthralled flash fiction

Enthralled—this one hurt to write. I feel you, woman. I really do. </3
Who else can relate? I wish no one could but … probably too many of us can. That feeling of being so deep in your feelings for someone that you’re drowning in them and can’t do anything about it.
Let me know your thoughts! You can comment on the IG post, of course. Or, shoot me a quick message via the Contact Page.

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