Tag: hard at work

Update Third Week of February 2021

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Update Third Week of February 2021
Hello, readers! I’m so glad you’ve stopped by!
I just wanted to give you a little update of what’s going on with me this week. But, first, let me thank everyone for a great week last week!

Those of you who follow me on IG and Twitter, thanks for the love and feedback! Those of you who’ve been reading Brazen at the Boat Show this week, you are gems! I adore you! And, those of you who are lurking around my blog? I haven’t forgotten about you, either … so keep reading!

Now on to this Week

Update – third week of February 2021:

First … this week, I’ve integrated with WP and Jetpack so now you can follow me via your site and/or the newsletter! The contact page is always there, of course, but I’ve added like and share buttons, too. Also, I’m working on comments and related content sections but let’s be patient with all that please. 🙂

Second, I am hard at work on the next release in Caliente Connections, Wanton at the Wine Festival. Yaaasss. These two have been driving me crazy the past week! Alejandra and Ricardo have a troubled history. Running into each other at the wine festival on South Beach has them both acting strange. You’d think it was the wine … but it may turn out to be much more. 😉

Finally, I’ll be posting another Frisky Fridays Flash Fiction on IG this Friday, too. I guess this one will be a short one, partly because the last couple have been long and also because book 9 is keeping me very busy.

As usual, I’ll be scrolling through social media so follow me and I’ll follow back. I do my best to read, like, and comment, of course, and appreciate everyone who does the same!

Book 7 is in Review!


Crazed at the Casino, Book 7
is in review … finally!

Book 7 is in review!
Book 7 is in review!

Can you tell I’m excited? Crazed at the Casino took me a hot minute but I finally uploaded it today. It should be available soon, at the latest over the weekend. If you head over to IG, you can see the cover reveal and check out the finished description.

Tomorrow, I’ll be sharing a sneak peek from inside it’s pages. I do this every week, with every new title. Of course, you can scroll down through my history and see all the reveals and sneak peeks from the earlier books, too!

I’m so relieved to be done with this hot as hell couple. Aymee and Julio surprised me throughout the story. I had no idea she was going to turn out to be … well, you’ll see when you read it! I’d love to know how they make you feel, too, so please share your feedback. Reviews, tweets, comments, etc. I welcome them all. <3

In the meantime, while you wait for this one to be released, you can check out the other books in the series at Caliente Connections. I think the steamy action in this one falls somewhere between Naughty at the New Year’s Party and Passion on the Porch. Have you read either? What do you think?

Maybe I’ll set up a poll one of these days. You know, to see which couple everyone thinks is hottest? I can’t pick a favorite, of course. Writing each scene is its own pleasure, and each one makes me feel different things.

Anyhow, I’ll be updating the series page as soon as this one is available for purchase. I mean, literally … the very minute it’s live …
So, please, stay connected, and keep your eyes on the page!

Book 7: Hard at Work

Book writing in progress; hard at work.

Book 7
“Crazed at the Casino”

Book 7 in Caliente Connections, “Crazed at the Casino,” has got me hard at work! If you’ve been to my IG, you’ve seen the cover already! I admit it. I’m a bit behind on my writing schedule this week. Getting the website(s) set up and everything … Yes, the site is still a work in progress but I’m doing it!

My plan is to have the description for book 7 ready and shared on IG by this evening at the latest, if all goes accordingly. Aside from RL getting in the way of my writing, there’s also the fact that Aymee and Julio just don’t want to behave.

Lucia and Enrique, from Passion on the Porch, were just as headstrong. But, I did manage to figure them out and get their story down, didn’t I? I’m sure I’ll be able to do the same for this crazed couple at the casino!

Okay, okay … here’s the tentative description, also a WIP. I’m probably going to continue to tweak it before it gets to publishing. But, I have to give you some taste of what’s in store!

Book 7 WIP Description

“Aymee just wants to have fun. She’s been helping one sister move, the other planning a baby shower, and her parents getting her grandparents settled into their home now that the kids have moved out. As the eldest, it’s her responsibility … and it’s no wonder her friends stopped calling and her love life has ground to a halt.

Deciding that enough is enough—no one is going to die if she spends one Friday night not glued to the phone or rushing over to their houses at a moment’s notice—she calls up Maggie. Always ready for a night out, Maggie waves off the apologies for the time apart and tells Aymee to put on something sexy.

When she gets in the car, Aymee finds out they’re headed to the local casino. She’s never been but Maggie swears it’s going to be fun. Lots of men—alone for the night—with plenty of money to spend.

As they stroll through the casino, she realizes Maggie’s right. There’s men and money and a lot of alcohol. Also, a lot of very sexy women. The men might be playing for money but it looks like the ladies are playing for the men tonight.

The moment she walks past the poker room, she sees him.


He’s one of the attorneys who works in her building—in the top floor suite. He’s out for the night with some friends and, as far as she can tell, he’s not with a woman. Feeling her stare, he looks up from his hand and catches her eye.

Appraising her without shame, he flashes her a quick grin and jerks his head to invite her over. She doesn’t want to make it too easy for him, but Maggie’s shameless and already crossing the room. Taking a seat next to him while Maggie sits down giggling between his friends, Aymee realizes she’s out of her league.

The stakes are high—her reputation, her pleasure, and maybe her heart. Should she take the chance on the cards the night has dealt her? Or should she fold and remain a spectator in the game of love?”

I can’t wait to share Book 7 with you as soon as possible!

Have you read any of my books? Or are you planning on reading them? I would love to connect with you on social media! And, if you support us Indie Authors, please consider leaving us ratings and reviews for our works wherever you can.

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