Lusting at the Lounge

Series: Caliente Connections: A Miami Erotic Romance Series #3
Contributors: Lizi D'Avila
Published by: Phoenix Fire Press, Ltd. Company
Release Date: January 08, 2021
Genre: Erotic Romance
Pages: 27
Add on GoodreadsVanessa is seeing red. Her boyfriend—the lying, cheating, crapsack!—had been cheating on her with his ex. Ignoring his calls and texts, she packs up his things and has them left outside the building. It’s her condo, after all.
Looking for a distraction, she heads to The Lounge. It used to be her favorite place to chill but Crapsack had hated it. That made it perfect.
In her sexiest dress, she orders a drink and prepares to watch the musicians until she figures out what to do next. Scanning the stage, she sees the trumpet player is staring at her. When they lock eyes, he winks.
Smiling seductively, she decides it was meant to be. They’d made a lot of steamy memories before. Maybe tonight they’d make a few more.
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Also in this series: Pleasure at the Presents, Naughty at the New Year’s Party, Alluring at Art Deco, Passion on the Porch, Thirsty at the Theater, Crazed at the Casino, Brazen at the Boat Show, Wanton at the Wine Festival, Playful at the Park